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Learn French Online from Native

2023-07-24 12:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

If you’d like to learn French, Lingoda is a good place to start. When learning any language, there are two main methods: working with a teacher in a group or individual class, or self-study, using books, online resources and apps. The more time you invest in learning French, the quicker you will learn the language. There are four main elements to language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In order to learn a language well, or to become fluent, it’s a good idea to cover these four bases.

Working with a teacher provides a structure for language learning and a step-by-step process. This is particularly useful as a beginner learner, as your teacher will be able to guide you based on your language level and learning style.

For self-study, there is a wealth of knowledge online about how to learn French and what resources to use. There are also many language apps which help you to practice things like vocabulary and reading.






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